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Gas FRC Hub Managed Service

Helping enable gas retailers to transact with the Australian energy market through AEMO's certified-gateway 


Learn more about Leonardo's Gas FRC Hub Managed Service

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Leonardo's Gas Hub FRC Managed Service technology ecosystem


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Gas FRC Hub?

It is a communication infrastructure operated by AEMO. It provides a message gateway through which AEMO and the retailers and distributors that participate to deliver and receive structured business-to-business messages utilising defined protocols and formats, called AseXML.

How does SoftwareAG's webMethods fit in the solution?

The FRC Hub uses webMethods Integration Server as the application. The licence for this application also provides for the supply of webMethods software to participants to use as a gateway in the FRC Hub environment. The software can be installed and configured as an ebXML gateway out of the box, with services also provided to help integration with participants back end systems. 

How does a retailer become certified through AEMO?

Currently, all Market Operators require that participants pass certification before they are allowed access to the Production Hub. Each Market Operator has a Certification Process document that describes the necessary steps to be taken by participants in order to certify. Contact the relevant Market Operator to obtain a copy. The certification process involves sending documents to, and receiving documents from, the Certification Responder (FBS). To support the process a browser-based User Interface is available on the Responder.

Gas FRC Hub Enablement Framework

> Use Case
> Business & Technology Requirements
> Implementation Approach
> Support and Operation Model Requirements


Discovery Phase

>  Solution Architecture 
>  Backend Business Application Integration Design
>  Platform Architecture
> FRC Hub Certification Plan


Blueprint Phase

> Platform Foundation
> Gas Hub MSH Integration
> FRC Hub Certification Execution


Establish and Enable Phase

> MSH Production Implementation
> Application Support
> Solution Support
> Development Changes

Production & Support

BAU and Continuous Improvement Phase

Leonardo Gas FRC Hub Demo

Learn more about how we can help you manage or deploy your Gas FRC Hub platform


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