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Work Performed By Our Team

  • Created a graphical business model and process flow to 'see' the flow of work
  • Created the business process architecture and implemented practical Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Applied Rapid ideation techniques through team and one-on-one workshops/interviews. Analysed key process issues (increasing costs, insufficient revenue, compliance to standards)
  • Implemented business process changes to reduce back office and operational costs and create new revenue channels
  • Redesigned the store layout using Lean principles to increase efficiencies and reduce waste
  • Provide additional recommendations for future changes

Value For Client


The two digital workers enabled the IT Operations team to quickly take the appropriate action required to prevent incidents for the SAP Application. The valuable IT Operation team was able to focus on the cognitive value-adding functions of their roles with peace of mind that if there were an issue, they would be notified. When notified of problems they were advised on where to focus, what the current issue was and values they needed to determine the appropriate course of action.  


  • Overall this automation project delivered multiple business benefits for the organisation. 
  • Increased collaboration between the automation centre of excellence and IT Operations.  
  • Enabled highly skilled resources to focus on value-adding aspects of their roles instead of continually monitoring the application.
  • Increased efficiency in the resolution of incidents by providing information and values to the right resources when there was an issue identified. 
  • This case study also highlights how digital workers and human workers can work together to achieve a fantastic result for the organisation. 

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