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  • Woolworths Limited identified that a process-oriented approach would be beneficial for the ongoing operations and future development of the organisation.
  • A dedicated Process Design Team was established with the key goal being to develop Business Process Management capabilities and a sound process improvement methodology.

Work Performed By Our Team

  • Develop capability to apply Business Process Management consistently
    across divisions in Woolworths Limited
  • Establish a centre of competency for process analysis, capture and reuse
  • Develop and deploy a comprehensive enterprise and process improvement methodology
  • Support and mentor projects to improve outcomes of initiatives at Woolworths Limited

Value For Client

  • Developed a robust approach including guidelines, conventions for carrying out process activities in BPM projects at Woolworths Limited.
  • Supported the initial development of training material on process modelling and process improvement. The Process Design Team has further developed this material and incorporated it into the Woolworths Limited training curriculum available to all staff.
  • Developed an approach to ensure the value of the process work carried out is maintained as a valuable asset of the organisation. Governance has been defined and established to provide consistency, accuracy and relevance of process-related material.
  • Developed and deployed a continuous process improvement methodology and commenced training via the Woolworths Academy and mentoring of appropriate personnel within Woolworths Limited.

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