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  • Pizza Capers Burpengary is a not-for-profit pizza shop that operates in a highly competitive environment, trying to attract customers by providing high quality pizzas and great customer service.
  • Escalating cost pressures, demanding customers and issues with staff enthusiasm created an environment that required deep understanding, superior planning and faultless execution of business processes.
  • Leonardo was engaged to reduce escalating costs, improve profitability and create transparency over the organisation's business processes by designing and implementing business process changes.

Work Performed By Our Team

  • Created a graphical business model and process flow to 'see' the flow of work
  • Created the business process architecture and implemented practical Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Applied Rapid ideation techniques through team and one-on-one workshops/interviews. Analysed key process issues (increasing costs, insufficient revenue, compliance to standards)
  • Implemented business process changes to reduce back office and operational costs and create new revenue channels
  • Redesigned the store layout using Lean principles to increase efficiencies and reduce waste
  • Provide additional recommendations for future changes

Value For Client

  • Implemented a new staff scheduling system that integrates seamlessly with the payroll system
    reducing cost of labour by > 3.5%
  • Improved accuracy of salary payments, improving staff satisfaction
  • Implemented additional digital channels for customers to order their pizza, increasing the
    store's revenue by > 6.5%
  • Increased operational efficiencies through store layout by reducing transportation waste
    and visual management
  • Provided a single source of truth for the organisation's business processes to be used in staff training
    and continuous education
  • Implemented better process measures and KPI's which improved On Time Delivery of Delivered Pizza's

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