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About the Project

Data, documents and general information handling, especially around court case management is equally a business process management issue as it is an informa- tion management issue.

The Department of Justice and Attorney - General began a program of work in July 2007 called the Future Courts Program. The program aims to create a modern, innovative and effective courts system for Queensland.

It will develop relevant easy to use online services for litigants, their legal repre- sentatives and the broader community, improving registry operations through the use of new technology improved information and process innovation.

The project team adopted Business Process Management (BPM) disciplines to map their current state (As-Is) and to undergo analysis and improvement designs to the future state (To-Be) for court case management processes and its artefacts.

This will eventually be the blueprint and requirements for a court case manage- ment system. The Future Courts Program successfully undertook these important tasks with the aid of the ARIS Platform and consulting services from Leonardo Consulting.

Improving registry operations using BPM. How did we do it?

  • By mapping the current state
  • Analysis and improvement designs for ongoing and future work


About the client

The Department of Justice and Attorney-General is the government agency responsible for admin- istering justice in Queensland.

The department reports to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and has two main roles:

  • The  administration  of  justice,  focusing  on  the court system, and
  • Assisting the Attorney-General in his role as the state's first law officer and the community's legal representative.

These are most people’s primary contact point with the justice system. There are 111 located in Commu- nities throughout Queensland.

  • As lead agency for the state’s criminal,civil and human rights laws, the department:
  • Administers the related legislation, and
  • Develops new and improved laws and policy.

The department is also lead agency in the right to information and privacy policy.

The Department of Justice and Attorney-General develop and implement relevant laws and oversee their application across the Queensland Government.

The Solution

Data, documents and general information handling, especially around court case management is equally a business process management issue as it is an informa- tion management issue.

The Department of Justice and Attorney - General began a program of work in July 2007 called the Future Courts Program. The program aims to create a modern, innovative and effective courts system for Queensland.

It will develop relevant easy to use online services for litigants, their legal repre- sentatives and the broader community, improving registry operations through the use of new technology improved information and process innovation.

The project team adopted Business Process Management (BPM) disciplines to map their current state (As-Is) and to undergo analysis and improvement designs to the future state (To-Be) for court case management processes and its artefacts.

This will eventually be the blueprint and requirements for a court case manage- ment system. The Future Courts Program successfully undertook these important tasks with the aid of the ARIS Platform and consulting services from Leonardo Consulting.

Improving registry operations using BPM. How did we do it?

  • By mapping the current state
  • Analysis and improvement designs for ongoing and future work

Benefits Delivered


Leonardo Consulting used Business Process Management’s discipline to assist in this program to design concepts for the team.


Using the single repository idea in the ARIS Platform, the implementation of these concepts for documenting various artefacts of BPM now seamlessly aligns the Information and Process Architectures.


Leonardo Consulting will continue to deliver similar benefits when application systems are considered by the program team next.


Other benefits delivered involve empowering various members of the program team with knowledge to deliver advanced reporting and publishing capabilities using the ARIS tool.

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